InDreams- “YourDreamsMissYou” (AnAudioExploration) created by Andrew Kjelland (Android138/FlatlineAudio138) This is a “podcast” about my strange dreams. When I am able to remember dreams, I have been writing them down. I have decided to then type them into a word document, play them on type to speech, and record them, to create the “voice” reading back the dreams. I then take that recording, and add the music. Ten dreams per episode. TransmissionsFromTheVoid (Transmission138)- This is another TypeToSpeech "podcast". I plan to showcase projects from other artists, (podcasts, music, poetry readings, random audio/field recordings,even just strange sounds! Some episodes will feature multiple artists. Who knows, just trying to create another strange platform to showcase other talented and creative people. Also check out my Soundcloud for these podcasts and all of my DoomBap music at www.soundcloud.com/android138 #DoomBap www.flatlineaudio138.com Support me on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/FlatlineAudio138! Also, if you make any sort of sound or tracks, email me at FlatlineAudio138@gmail.com for a chance to be featured in a VoidCast! Check out my website as well at www.FlatlineAudio138.com!

Sunday Jan 15, 2023
InDreams ”YourDreamsMissYou” (AnAudioExploration) DreamCast 10
Sunday Jan 15, 2023
Sunday Jan 15, 2023
InDreams DreamCast10! This episode consists of restaraunt arugments, dumb bro party, whoever the Tennessee strangler is Brian Doyle murray and even Jon Politto! Check it out!

Monday Apr 19, 2021
InDreams "YourDreamsMissYou" (AnAudioExploration) DreamCast9
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Monday Apr 19, 2021
InDreams "YourDreamsMissYou" (AnAudioExploration) DreamCast9
This cast consists of non existent school memories, department store Seinfeld, a strange skeleton death march, and much more strangeness! Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP www.FlatlineAudio138.com
R.I.P. Dad

Sunday Feb 21, 2021
"Transmissions From The Void" (Transmission138)- VoidCast38
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
This transmission includes ambient sounds, more TV samples, clips of my friend John, my Android138 tracks "PsychWardSonata" and "TheLobotomyKid", and much more strangeness!
Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP "TrustTheVoid...LoveTheVoid...BeTheVoid..." www.FlatlineAudio138.com

Friday Feb 19, 2021
"Transmissions From The Void" (Transmission138)- VoidCast37
Friday Feb 19, 2021
Friday Feb 19, 2021
This transmission includes ambient machine noise, a recording of a bathtub faucet, recorded with my new BOOM mic, the RODE NTG5 Shotgun! Samples of my friend's Tea, Brandon, John, and others. Also, more TV samples, my Android138 tracks "ParachuteEyeSurgery" and "ThePointOfNoReturn (WelcomeToViolence)", and much more strangeness! Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP "TrustTheVoid...LoveTheVoid...BeTheVoid..." www.FlatlineAudio138.com

Thursday Feb 04, 2021
"Transmissions From The Void" (Transmission138)- VoidCast36
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
This transmission includes more DJ audio from my friend Brandon and I, samples of my friend John, rainstorm and other ambient noise, my Android138 tracks, "CemeterySchool (feat.AdelynJaneValentine)" and "TheLastLullaby", a random LSD dream, and much more strangeness! Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP "TrustTheVoid...LoveTheVoid...BeTheVoid..." www.FlatlineAudio138.com

Monday Feb 01, 2021
"Transmissions From The Void" (Transmission138)- VoidCast35
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
This transmission includes some DJ mix excerpts from my friend Brandon and I, more samples of TV, as well as, my friend John, my Android138 tracks, "It's 5am...Do You Know Where Your Morals Are?", and "PainPillSurgeryCereal (Maschines!)" and much more strangeness!
Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP "TrustTheVoid...LoveTheVoid...BeTheVoid..." www.FlatlineAudio138.com

Saturday Jan 23, 2021
"Transmissions From The Void" (Transmission138) VoidCast34
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
This transmission includes: ambient work and machine sounds, as well as, other ambient noise. Samples of my niece Addy, my friend John, random TV clips, my Android138 tracks "PhantomGuts" and "BloodFreezer", and much more strangeness!
Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP "TrustTheVoid...LoveTheVoid...BeTheVoid..." www.FlatlineAudio138.com

Sunday Jan 03, 2021
TransmissionsFromTheVoid (Transmission138)- VoidCast33
Sunday Jan 03, 2021
Sunday Jan 03, 2021
This transmission includes, more tv samples, clips of my friends John and Brandon, as well as, some DJ set segments from Brandon, including some of my Android138 tracks. Also some vinyl audio of some tracks by Lords Of The Trident (based out of Madison, WI). They are amazing, check em out! www.lordsofthetrident.com. My Android138 tracks "AllThoseThings...(TheyDontHaveWordsForHere...) and "...AndThisProblemMadeYouIll..." and much more strangeness! Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP "TrustTheVoid...LoveTheVoid...BeTheVoid..." www.FlatlineAudio138.com

Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
TransmissionsFromTheVoid (Transmission138)- VoidCast32
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
This transmission includes: more ambient noise, clips of my niece, as well as my friends John and Brandon, random TV clips, my Android138 tracks "TheUnstoppableBlink" and "YouAreTheFuture...(FILTHY)" and much more strangeness! Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP "TrustTheVoid...LoveTheVoid...BeTheVoid..." www.FlatlineAudio138.com

Sunday Dec 13, 2020
"Transmissions From The Void" (Transmission138)- VoidCast31
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
This transmission includes: samples and clips of my niece, my friends John and Brandon, part of a beat and audio of Noisy Sauce (noisy_sauce) on Twitter and Instagram. Also a partial mix of some of my Android138 tracks (w/Brandon), my Android138 tracks "SneakinInTheHardWay" and "SwiftKickInTheTeeth" and much more strangeness! Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP "TrustTheVoid...LoveTheVoid...BeTheVoid..." www.FlatlineAudio138.com