InDreams- “YourDreamsMissYou” (AnAudioExploration) created by Andrew Kjelland (Android138/FlatlineAudio138) This is a “podcast” about my strange dreams. When I am able to remember dreams, I have been writing them down. I have decided to then type them into a word document, play them on type to speech, and record them, to create the “voice” reading back the dreams. I then take that recording, and add the music. Ten dreams per episode. TransmissionsFromTheVoid (Transmission138)- This is another TypeToSpeech "podcast". I plan to showcase projects from other artists, (podcasts, music, poetry readings, random audio/field recordings,even just strange sounds! Some episodes will feature multiple artists. Who knows, just trying to create another strange platform to showcase other talented and creative people. Also check out my Soundcloud for these podcasts and all of my DoomBap music at www.soundcloud.com/android138 #DoomBap www.flatlineaudio138.com Support me on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/FlatlineAudio138! Also, if you make any sort of sound or tracks, email me at FlatlineAudio138@gmail.com for a chance to be featured in a VoidCast! Check out my website as well at www.FlatlineAudio138.com!

Monday Oct 12, 2020
"TransmissionsFromTheVoid" (Transmission138)- VoidCast21
Monday Oct 12, 2020
Monday Oct 12, 2020
This transmission consists of some Garbage Day Podcast recordings that I took from one of the episodes that I was on, (www.GarbageDayPodcast.com), more recordings from an interview with Author Tea Krulos (www.TeaKrulos.com), more random audio, my Android138 tracks, "ComfortableApocolypse", and "Corpsicle", and much more strangeness! Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP www.FlatlineAudio138.com

Friday Oct 09, 2020
"TransmissionsFromTheVoid" (Transmission138)-VoidCast20
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020
This transmission consists of more random sounds, samples, TV clips I recorded and edited, FROGS!, my Android138 tracks "AmphibianDoomsday (DoomFrog)" and "KillJoy", as well as, much more strangeness! VoidCast 20! Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DoomBap www.FlatlineAudio138.com "TrustTheVoid....LoveTheVoid....BeTheVoid..."

Monday Sep 21, 2020
TransmissionsFromTheVoid (Transmission138)- VoidCast19
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Monday Sep 21, 2020
This transmission includes, more excerpts of a Tea Krulos interview about his book "AmericanMadness", www.TeaKrulos.com, more farm sounds, train sounds, storms, my Android138 track, "CryOfTheDumpsterChild", as well as, a track by my friend Brandon, called "Swivel", and much more strangeness! Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP www.FlatlineAudio138.com (Brandon, with my friend Sean, also do a podcast called "Garbage Day" about horrible movies, so check that out on Podbean, Spotify, iTunes, etc. www.GarbageDayPodcast.com)

Saturday Sep 12, 2020
"TransmissionsFromTheVoid"- (Transmission138)- VoidCast18
Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Saturday Sep 12, 2020
This transmission includes excerpts of a recorded interview with Author Tea Krulos, about his new book, "AmericanMadness" www.TeaKrulos.com from “SeeYouOnTheOtherSide” podcast, farm sounds, train sounds, my Android138 tracks "ComeWithMe....AndBeImmortal....(SeparateTheSorrow)", and "KRAMPUSisComing....(HideYaKids) Pt.3 "TragicMoments" 2019, and much more strangeness! Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP www.FlatlineAudio138.com

Thursday Sep 10, 2020
"Transmissions From The Void" (Transmission138)- VoidCast17
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
This transmission includes some of my Android138 tracks, "FlySmashin'" and "WormFace", random TV samples, train sounds, farm sounds, storms, and much more strangeness! Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP www.FlatlineAudio138.com

Thursday Sep 10, 2020
"Transmissions From The Void" (Transmission138)- VoidCast16
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
This transmission includes, some tracks and audio i had edited while attending MATC-Milwaukee, a recorded speech from a Chaplin movie, random TV audio, my Android138 tracks "BurnTheMidnight" and "TheWitchingHour (3am)"....and much more strangeness! Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP www.FlatlineAudio138.com

Thursday Sep 10, 2020
"Transmissions From The Void" (Transmission138)- VoidCast15
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
This transmission consists of tv clips, more audio of my friend John, my Android138 tracks "Don'tTheyKnow?" and "IsThisTheDay?", Mario sounds, and much more strangness! Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP www.FlatlineAudio138.com

Thursday Sep 10, 2020
"Transmissions From The Void" (Transmission138)- VoidCast14
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
This transmission consists of random zombie sounds, cannibalism, my Android138 tracks, "TheCityOfBonesAndNightmares", and "GutCut". Guns, Gwar, and much more strangeness! Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP www.FlatlineAudio138.com

Friday Aug 14, 2020
"TransmissionsFromTheVoid" (Transmission138)- VoidCast13
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Friday Aug 14, 2020
This transmission consists of: more strange audio and noises, a TypeToSpeech recording of one of my favorite old poems, another slowed down version of a song, 5 partial tracks of mine, as well as, my latest track, "WillWe?", and much more strangeness! Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP www.flatlineaudio138.com

Saturday Aug 01, 2020
TransmissionsFromTheVoid (Transmission138)- VoidCast12
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
This transmission consists of random wrestling and gladiator audio, clips of my friend John again, a couple of my Android138 tracks: "DeathWalksWithUs" as well as, "VintageJuice feat. my niece Adelyn Jane Valentine, as well as, her and i messing around with my beat machine, some video game audio, and much more strangeness!