InDreams- “YourDreamsMissYou” (AnAudioExploration) created by Andrew Kjelland (Android138/FlatlineAudio138) This is a “podcast” about my strange dreams. When I am able to remember dreams, I have been writing them down. I have decided to then type them into a word document, play them on type to speech, and record them, to create the “voice” reading back the dreams. I then take that recording, and add the music. Ten dreams per episode. TransmissionsFromTheVoid (Transmission138)- This is another TypeToSpeech "podcast". I plan to showcase projects from other artists, (podcasts, music, poetry readings, random audio/field recordings,even just strange sounds! Some episodes will feature multiple artists. Who knows, just trying to create another strange platform to showcase other talented and creative people. Also check out my Soundcloud for these podcasts and all of my DoomBap music at www.soundcloud.com/android138 #DoomBap www.flatlineaudio138.com Support me on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/FlatlineAudio138! Also, if you make any sort of sound or tracks, email me at FlatlineAudio138@gmail.com for a chance to be featured in a VoidCast! Check out my website as well at www.FlatlineAudio138.com!

Thursday Jul 30, 2020
IN DREAMS- "YourDreamsMissYou" (AnAudioExploration) DreamCast7
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
InDreams "YourDreamsMissYou" (AnAudioExploration) DreamCast7
Latest InDreams Episode. This cast consists of a mountain rainbow road, a possible night terror, a hang out with the cast of that 70s show, lsd and roller-skates, detachable faces, and much more strangeness! Android138/FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP

Sunday Jul 26, 2020
TransmissionsFromTheVoid (Transmission138)- VoidCast11
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
This transmission consists of: car ride audio, a few of my Android138 tracks, including my latest track, "Dr.Sawbones", random audio of my friends Pete and Brandon once again, a short Doug Stanhope bit, Hunter S. Thompson and Charles Manson interview samples etc. Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP www.flatlineaudio138.com

Saturday Jul 18, 2020
TransmissionsFromTheVoid (Transmission138)- VoidCast10
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
10th VoidCast! This transmission consists of strangely edited pop tracks, old time radio play snippets, more samples of my niece, old commercials, cable company hold music, a short DoomBap Hanson track, etc. Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP www.FlatlineAudio138.com

Saturday Jul 11, 2020
TransmissionsFromTheVoid (Transmission138)- VoidCast9
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
This transmission includes audio of my niece, her singing, etc., clips of my friends Pete and Brandon, random DJing, a track by Mike Neumeyer, "CloudNine" (Vibraphone track), Brandons "DJ SqueezeIt" mini mix, and "Panty Raid" track, random car music audio, etc. Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP #DoomBap #DoomTown #EmbraceTheStrange #TransmissionsFromTheVoid #Transmission138 #VoidCast www.flatlineaudio138.com

Saturday Jul 04, 2020
TransmissionsFromTheVoid (Transmission138)- VoidCast8
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
This transmission includes more random audio, a mock lsd PSA/story thing, three of my Android138 tracks, "NightmaresWalkin'", "BloodFuel", and "L'appel Du Vide...(TheCallOfTheVoid)", F word track name audio, etc...
Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP www.flatlineaudio138.com

Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
TransmissionsFromTheVoid (Transmission138)- VoidCast7
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
This transmission consists of random phone audio with my friend John, an Afrika Bambaataa track, "Metal", that i recorded with my Marantz off wax (while on the phone). Random strange old commercials, a track called "Slendy's Lullaby", some tracks by my friend Brandon (Brando Bodega on SoundCloud and DJ HouseShooz on Twitch, as well a bunch of Macho Man Randy Savage samples etc. Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP www.flatlineaudio138.com

Saturday Jun 20, 2020
"TransmissionsFromTheVoid" (Transmission138)- VoidCast6
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
This transmission includes random audio samples, a few tracks by my friend Brandon (Brando Bodega), "Free Shit", and "Rise", car audio and samples from a road trip I went on this past year, machine noises, messing with vinyl etc. www.flatlineaudio138.com Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP

Friday Jun 12, 2020
"TransmissionsFromTheVoid" (Transmission138)- VoidCast5
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
This Transmission includes, more random audio of my friends Brandon and Pete, my new Android138 track entitled "GreenSkreetHooligans", Alex Jones samples, A quickly, (and poorly), mixed track of a Streets of Rage 2 (Sega Genesis) song, with a track by the artist/producer, Gesaffelstein called "Hellifornia". Also a bunch of video game gameplay sounds and music from the game "Parasite Eve" on Playstation. www.flatlineaudio138.com Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP

Friday Jun 05, 2020
TransmissionsFromTheVoid (Transmission138)- VoidCast4
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
This transmission includes audio recordings and excerpts of Milwaukee based activist Frank Nitty, leading a recent march for peace and an end to police brutality, sparked by the (unfortunately) most recent MURDER caught on camera, of ANOTHER unarmed African American (George Floyd), who did nothing wrong or derserving of such treatment. Audio clips playing over top of 2pac track "They Don't Give A Fuck About Us" (which has sadly become more and more true and relevant every year, every day. #SayHisName #MarchForPeace #PowerToThePeople #EndPoliceBrutality #BlueLivesMurder #ACAB #BlackLivesMatter Underneath the excerpts of the march/protest, there is a few tracks by my friend Brandon (Again), ("Fat Leather", "Footwork Destiny", and "SunDaze" available to stream on SoundCloud at www.soundcloud.com/BrandonBodega). Brandon also does live DJ streams on Twitch.tv, as "HouseShooz". In addition to this, he is also part of a weekly podcast, along with my friend Sean Regenold, (both from Madison), called "GarbageDay", www.garbagedaypodcast.com, where they review and talk about horrible movies, one per episode. Check it out on PodBean, iTunes, or wherever you get your podcasts. Android138 FlatlineAudio138 DOOMBAP www.flatlineaudio138.com

Friday May 29, 2020
"TransmissionsFromTheVoid" (Transmission138)- VoidCast3
Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020
This transmission includes more random recordings and samples that i have done, such as: samples of my friends Sean and Brandon and I, a recording of my friend Pete, as well as Brandon again, a DJ set (which is the audio to a video mix, also by my friend Brandon) Check out Brandon on Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/houseshooz. Episode also includes a short sample taken from an episode of the podcast "The Horror" (Relic Radio), which everyone should check out if you are into old time horror radio plays http://www.relicradio.com/otr/show/horror/ also on Podbean, followed by an "AudioPortfolio" of mine, that I created while attending MATC-Milwaukee in 2019. (Android138/FlatlineAudio138) www.flatlineaudio138.com DOOMBAP
*Episodes May Contain Explicit Language/Content